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File List | 1995-04-10 | 19.7 KB | 292 lines |
- AA_ARRAY.ZIP 91337 01-06-95 AA-Array.DLL v1.0. Extended Arrays for VB.
- | Manages the creation, accessing, saving
- | to and restoring from disk of arrays
- | with up to 4 Gigs elements and 64K of VB
- | strings. No VB imposed limits.
- ADVDISK.ZIP 122295 01-19-95 Advdisk.DLL v3.0. Provides VB applications
- | with the ability to obtain System Disk
- | information. Source code and an
- | excutable demo are included.
- ADVDISK3.ZIP 122027 01-08-95 Advanced disk library for Visual Basic.
- ALARM14.ZIP 35106 02-17-95 Alarm Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Lets you
- | set an alarm (or multiple alarms) to go
- | off at a particular time(s). An event is
- | fired at the appropriate time. You can
- | easily specify times.
- APG21.ZIP 795070 02-11-95 APG creates with simple commands, new data
- | files with indexes. Forms to maintain
- | data files with field validation.
- | Reports can be sorted and totaled with
- | run time record selects, makes labels.
- | On-screen inquires.
- BAGOTR10.ZIP 84584 02-26-95 Programmer's Toolkit for Power Basic 3.0
- | and 3.1. Makes Constructing Complex
- | Text-Mode Interfaces A Snap. Ega And VGA
- | Users Can Make Use of Redefined ASCII
- | Characters For Fancy Radio Buttons,
- | Check Boxes And Icons.
- BARCOD15.ZIP 46874 02-17-95 Bar Code Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> BarCod
- | makes bar code display really easy. Just
- | pick the orientation, set the size, and
- | pick the bar code style. Then, set the
- | text to whatever you want the bars to be.
- BARVBX.ZIP 146189 02-08-95 Barcode/VBX - Can create up to 19
- | different barcodes.
- BLTQ120.ZIP 197972 01-05-95 Bullet v1.20 for QB45 /BASIC7/ VBDOS DBF
- | /btree toolkit.
- BMPLST19.ZIP 41778 02-17-95 List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | List box with bitmaps. The bitmaps can
- | be placed on any side of the text (top,
- | bottom, right, left).
- BTTNPIC.ZIP 232750 02-03-95 BttnPic.VBX. Use picture buttons (with
- | optional text) into your programming
- | projects.
- CALNDR.ZIP 14489 01-17-95 Calendar custom control.
- CGEN10.ZIP 21794 03-12-95 The VB Key Code Generator v1.0. Enables
- | you to build into your shareware program
- | a built in registration method for your
- | registered users. You can then post your
- | complete program and add or inhibit
- | features based on a key code.
- CLIPBT.ZIP 20187 01-06-95 Clipbt - Multimedia VBX that has picture
- | up, picture down properties. It allows
- | you to emulate a button up, button down
- | state with pictures. It also has sound
- | up, sound down properties that can play
- | a sound when the button is pressed.
- CSRPLUS.ZIP 209371 02-03-95 Cursor Plus DLL Demo for VB. Contains
- | nearly 100 cursors and 18 backdrop
- | patterns.
- CTDEMO.ZIP 265303 02-03-95 Component Toolbox Standard Edition. 16
- | demo VBX controls are fully functional
- | in design mode, but will not work in a
- | runtime environment.
- DFINFO23.ZIP 46557 02-17-95 Disk and File Info Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Gives you disk and file information that
- | VB doesn't provide (including the
- | drive's serial number). Also allows you
- | to change some aspects of a file
- | (attributes, size, date, time, etc.).
- DTENTRY.ZIP 72336 01-17-95 Date/Time Entry Form. Demonstrates how to
- | allow complete date and time entry using
- | only a mouse in VB.
- DXFSUI.ZIP 181227 02-23-95 Two Libraries for VB. Dxf-In to display 2d
- | Dxf files in a standard VB picture
- | control & Turbodxf Library to create Dxf
- | files.
- EASYBARX.ZIP 51403 02-24-95 Easybar/VBX v1.1. Barcode Custom Control
- | for printing barcodes. 20 barcode types
- | are included, of which 12 are basic
- | types and 8 with add-ons.
- EASYNET.ZIP 125162 01-24-95 EasyNet v1.50. Custom control for VBWin
- | that helps you quickly draw and manage
- | network diagrams.
- FFLITE.ZIP 34799 02-02-95 FreeForm Lite! Free Visual form tool for
- | Liberty BASIC v1.1! "This is how BASIC
- | for Windows should have been done!" Find
- | out why Ziff Davis Interactive bought a
- | license to distribute Liberty BASIC!
- | Graphically design your Windows!
- FLABEL10.ZIP 38432 02-17-95 Formatted Label Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Label control that lets you format the
- | text within it. You can have different
- | fonts, different colors, multiple
- | paragraphs, paragraph formatting, etc.
- FMDROP12.ZIP 27983 02-17-95 File Mgr Drag and Drop Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Notifies you when a file has been
- | dragged and dropped from the Windows
- | File Manager (FILEMAN).
- HITIME11.ZIP 23940 02-17-95 High Resolution Timer (VBX) <ASP> High
- | resolution timer custom control for
- | Visual Basic. Allows you to have timer
- | events come in nearly every millisecond,
- | as opposed to every 55 milliseconds with
- | the normal Visual Basic Timer control.
- HLPMATIC.ZIP 646883 02-08-95 HelpMATIC - Helps create Windows Help
- | files.
- HYPERVB.ZIP 83869 03-08-95 Demo of code written in Visual Basic to
- | enable hypertext routines.
- ICDVIDEO.ZIP 178169 01-19-95 Add LIVE VIDEO to your Visual Basic
- | programs. With this VBX and Rombo's
- | MediaPro video card you will be able to
- | display realtime video from your video
- | player/tuner, video camera or closed
- | circuit TV cameras on any form in your
- | project.
- IDEMO41.ZIP 266061 02-09-95 Icon ToolBOX v4.1a. Graphics for
- | QuickBASIC. 3D Icon push buttons and
- | windows. Graphics mode font printing.
- | Create/Edit/Display 16 color icons.
- | Complete 16 color icon paint utility.
- | Graphics mode user input routines.
- INICON32.ZIP 30522 02-08-95 INI File Manager Custom Control (VBX)
- | <ASP> Makes INI file access simple. No
- | Windows API calls required.
- JOYSTK13.ZIP 52044 02-17-95 Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Gives
- | joystick information (movement, buttons)
- | for your programs. It supports two
- | joysticks, one 4-button joystick or one
- | 3-D joystick.
- LB07.ZIP 689839 02-02-95 Liberty BASIC v0.7 for OS/2 Warp! THE
- | everyman's OS/2 programming tool! Now
- | works with OS/2 Warp 3.0! -Interactively
- | program OS/2 PM in BASIC -FreeForm
- | Visual screen designer included
- | -Supports graphics.
- LBTURN.ZIP 187925 01-12-95 LbTurn.VBX - Define the degrees of
- | rotation. You can easily turn the
- | caption upside down, facing left, facing
- | right, or create circular effects.
- LED11.ZIP 35222 02-17-95 LED Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Behaves
- | like an LED. 3-D effects and colors are
- | all user-definable.
- LFSTATUS.ZIP 25079 01-24-95 LFSTATUS.VBX v1.5. Create status bars like
- | those found in many Microsoft
- | applications.
- MAXPB11.ZIP 124227 02-01-95 MAXLIB For PB v1.1 for PowerBASIC 3.x. Add
- | painless XMS/EMS support to your
- | programs! Dimension arrays in XMS or EMS
- | memory up to 64K elements, each up to
- | 32K in size. Emulate file i/o in EMS,
- | with fall-back to disk when EMS is not
- | available.
- MENUEV32.ZIP 33690 02-17-95 Menu Event Notification Control (VBX)
- | <ASP> Provides menu selection
- | notification. In other words, it tells
- | you when the user has selected a menu
- | item. Useful for status bar-style help.
- MESS_VBX.ZIP 219647 01-24-95 Message.VBX v1.75. Easily intercept ANY
- | window messages. You can respond to
- | right-mouse clicks and double-clicks,
- | set minimum and maximum window re-size
- | dimensions, respond to custom system
- | menu items, more.
- MIDAT5.ZIP 101911 01-17-95 Mitromar Date/Time Custom Control v5.0.
- | Obtain current date and time properties
- | without using functions or formatting
- | statements, or to use the custom control
- | as a Timer.
- MIRB.ZIP 67723 01-17-95 MIRB v1.1. Multiple-Application Project
- | Launching utility for VB.
- MSGB3D.ZIP 183585 01-31-95 MsgBox3D - Adds a 3d effect to VB's MsgBox.
- MSLOT12.ZIP 41055 02-17-95 W4Wg Mailslot Control (VBX) <ASP> Makes
- | mailslot use simple. No Windows API
- | calls required. Requires Windows for
- | Workgroups.
- MSMEGA11.ZIP 362168 02-17-95 Mabry Software Mega Pack (VBXes) <ASP> One
- | dozen of Mabry Software's most popular
- | custom controls for Visual Basic.
- PERCNT26.ZIP 36376 02-17-95 Percentage Bar Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Displays a percentage bar. Makes status
- | reporting very simple. 3-D effects,
- | fonts and colors are all user-definable.
- PICBTN11.ZIP 35875 02-17-95 Picture Button Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Command button that has both text and a
- | picture on it. The picture can be scaled
- | and placed above, below, to the right,
- | or to the left of the text.
- PIXELV10.ZIP 9459 02-22-95 Highly useful utility for QBasic
- | programmers that enables you to draw a
- | picture using a paint program interface
- | and it will create the QBasic lines
- | necessary to include the picture in your
- | QBasic program!
- PROBE11.ZIP 38855 02-17-95 Control Probe/Debug Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Examine and modify other controls'
- | properties at run-time. After telling
- | Probe the name of another control, Probe
- | will give you a list of the properties
- | in that control.
- PROPSPY.ZIP 188763 01-25-95 Spy on VB program controls and forms.
- PSMMM.ZIP 111923 02-14-95 Multi Language Message Manager Custom
- | Control. Manages the messages that can
- | appear within an application.
- PTCM10.ZIP 200290 03-07-95 Power Toolz Code Manager is a VB add-on
- | that lets you easily catalog and retrive
- | snippets and routines for easy insertion
- | into any vb project. All snippets and
- | routines are stored in a central
- | directory so they won't be changed.
- QKFORM.ZIP 120197 02-11-95 QuickForm v2.0. Form generator for Visual
- | Basic v3.0.
- QSETUP.ZIP 19198 01-18-95 QSetup improves the speed of the VB setup
- | program by obtaining the version number
- | of all the files on the
- | source/distribution diskettes from a
- | different source.
- REGMAX.ZIP 60669 01-09-95 RegMax is a registration utility for VB3
- | developers. It enables a compiled EXE to
- | brand itself at runtime with
- | registration information, and
- | subsequently recall that information via
- | simple Functions.
- ROTEXT15.ZIP 42930 02-08-95 Rotated Label Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Lets you put a label on your form at any
- | angle of rotation.
- SOFTGRID.ZIP 30937 01-18-95 SoftGrid is a demonstration of how to
- | create something like GRID.VBX without
- | actually using it. It also shows a way
- | of displaying an array of user defined
- | types without much new code.
- SOUNDX14.ZIP 34704 02-17-95 Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Provides Soundex and Metaphone
- | algorithms. Soundex and Metaphone
- | convert words or names to codes that
- | represent how they "sound".
- STATUSFX.ZIP 108068 01-17-95 StatusFX Custom Control v2.02.00. Full
- | blown status bar that features a
- | caption/gauge and display of keystates,
- | date/time, and more all in the same
- | control for Visual Basic.
- THRMDEMO.ZIP 9000 01-09-95 Thermometer Wait Box demonstrates a wait
- | box which displays a thermometer in
- | Visual Basic.
- TIME2WIN.ZIP 284808 04-03-95 Time to Win v1.30. DLL for VB3 with over
- | 380 functions/routines covering arrays,
- | big numbers, date/hour/time, and much
- | more. A demonstration program and help
- | file is included.
- TRUEBAR.ZIP 138765 02-03-95 TrueBar VBX. Custom control generates Bar
- | Codes, Patch Codes and Postal Codes.
- TT_EDIT.ZIP 45746 04-03-95 TT_Edit v1.0. Contains VB code for Button
- | Bars which automatically generate the
- | disabled and pushed-down images at
- | runtime, linked Buttons which inherit
- | properties and activate the menu item
- | they are bound to, more.
- VBASM.ZIP 34680 01-19-95 VB-ASM v1.30. Provides services that are
- | either difficult or impossible to do in
- | VB alone. Routines include vbInterrupt,
- | vbInterruptX, vbRealModeIntX, vbInp,
- | vbOutp, vbPtr, vbSeg, vbLoWord,
- | vbHiWord, vbGetCtrlModel and
- | vbRecreateCtrl.
- VBHW196.ZIP 1096566 02-09-95 VB HelpWriter "Lite" v1.9.6. WYSIWYG
- | Windows helpfile development tool. It is
- | FREEWARE and helpfiles may be freely
- | distributed without royalties. This
- | "Lite" edition creates helpfiles up to
- | 30 topics, (about 3x NOTEPAD's helpfile).
- VBMSG95.ZIP 458809 01-03-95 VB Message Box '95. Message box creation
- | utility.
- VBOSS171.ZIP 104716 02-15-95 VBossAPI.DLL - Provides added capabilities
- | when building script and language
- | compilers and interpreters.
- VBSCRIPT.ZIP 46782 01-17-95 Vbscript v1.0. Tool for VB programmers
- | provides a scripting language which can
- | be used to manipulate Visual Basic
- | Control Properties at design time.
- VBTT95.ZIP 290078 02-09-95 VB Tips & Tricks '95. Windows Help file
- | with tips for VB Programmers.
- VBWIZ120.ZIP 187065 01-01-95 VB Wizard v1.20.05 for Windows. Companion
- | and aid for using VB 3.x; can be used
- | w/VB up and running or as a full stand
- | alone program; includes 58
- | pgms/functions used mostly for
- | maintaining, storing and manipulating
- | your VB code files.
- ZIPINF12.ZIP 39868 02-17-95 ZIP File Info Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Find out about the contents of a ZIP
- | file. Access to this information is
- | purely through properties.